Funny videos show cats sleeping in the most bizarre positions

Hilarious videos show cats sleeping in the most bizarre positions Hilarious videos show cats sleeping in the most bizarre positions (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The hilarious video showing several cats sleeping in truly questionable positions is making internet users burst into laughter!

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The funny clip, posted on Instagram, is a compilation of footage of cats caught by their owners sleeping in the strangest possible positions.

“Cute cats sleeping,” reads the caption of the video, which has already received over 6 million views, along with more than 330 thousand likes and thousands of comments from internet users who enjoyed the scene.

“So cute, this is the life they deserve,” said one Instagram user. “Look at the concern about the bills at the end of the month,” joked another. “Cats are adorable,” commented a third internet user.

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Despite seeming just like a cute thing cats do, sleeping in odd positions is an effective way to avoid predator attacks, as depending on the position, they can use their limbs to protect their vital organs, according to experts in feline behavior.

“Sleeping in weird positions makes it harder for potential predators to predict their next move. It also helps them stay alert and aware of their surroundings,” explained Sophie Whoriskey, veterinarian and senior writer at Floofy Doodles, to Business Insider.

Photo and video: Instagram @funny_animals_l8l. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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